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Wildlings Crystal Jewellery & Energy healing shop



Regular price R 390.00
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The root of all things, the first chakra sits at the base of the spine and just above the tailbone. Like the trees that bloom overhead, it is our connection to all earthly things and the epicenter of our stability. In the hierarchy of needs, the root chakra (also called the Muladhara) is where we get our sense of safety, our strength, our preservation and endurance, and our sense of gorgeous grounding. It is our survival chakra and is one of our most important spiritual assets. This is where our kundalini serpent slumbers, it's also where our masculine energy sits and it acts as the foundation for all other chakra points in the body too. The root chakra is our foundation and has a huge impact on our emotional, spiritual, and physical body.

When our root chakra is out of balance or blocked, this can make us feel off-kilter. We may struggle with those base feelings of being solid and grounded. We may feel constantly on edge or unable to trust ourselves in our decision-making process and suspicious of others. We may feel lost or stressed or overanxious in everything we do. We can also get stuck in a scarcity mindset, clinging to what we have in the fear that good things won’t come back around to us. Losing our root chakra connection can make us feel powerless and when we are powerless we give our joy away. We may feel apathy, we may be flighty, and our fight, freeze, and fawn responses can be all over the place.

A blocked root chakra can even lead to slumps in our physical health too, especially connected to the lower body. From bladder and colon problems to arthritis and even poor parasympathetic nervous responses - when our root is unraveled our baseline health can suffer.

Fortunately, healing the root chakra isn’t a tricky fix. There are many grounding energy practices and elemental ways you can shake loose this area. From yoga and meditation to deep breathing, standing barefoot in the soil, and of course – using the healing vibrations of base chakra crystals too. All these things can reconnect you to the world beneath your feet and raise your sense of safety and beautiful belonging.

For those who feel like their root chakra is well and truly blocked and want to go hard on the healing energy to get unstuck, these methods can also help. There are many ways to shake your root chakra free and almost all involve some kind of glorious grounding practice to put you back in touch with mother earth.

Walking barefoot - one of the easiest ways to ground yourself is to kick off your shoes and walk barefoot on the earth. This instant connection puts the sole of your feet in contact with the earths natural vibration.

Essential oils – from calming lavender to sweet and earthy sage, essential oils can ground you in an instant. Pick earthy oils that are connected to the natural world and let these scents bring you back to the here and now.

Gardening – dig those fingers down into the earth and reconnect with life at its most base level. From planting flowers and seeds to picking fruit and pulling up vegetables or even weeds, the smallest action in the garden can organically heal your root chakra.

Yoga and Meditation – there are sure to be amazing root chakra orientated videos and classes out there, anything that leans into gratitude, focuses on the breath, and keeps your feet rooted even when the rest of your body is in flow is hugely healing.


Your root chakra is the first rung on the ladder when it comes to being in full situ of your power. When this is blocked it can have a knock-on effect for all of your energy points as there won’t be a clear flow. Also, who can focus on their spiritual awakening when they don’t feel safe and secure in the body and space they inhabit? Keeping your root chakra cleansed and clear should be part of your daily wellness practice. This powerful force sets us up for all our great successes and ensures that no matter what we are facing that we are steady in our sense of personal power.


  • 1 x Red Tiger eye bracelet 12mm
  • 1 x Red Jasper chipped bracelet
  • 1 x Mookaite Jasper chipped bracelet

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